Can You Get Invisalign With Cavities? Here’s What You Need To Know
Are you looking for an alternative to metal braces but worried about having cavities? Invisalign may be a great solution. In this article, we’ll discuss whether or not you can get Invisalign with cavities, what your other options are, and answer some frequently asked questions on the topic. What is Invisalign? Invisalign is a set […]

5 Reasons Why Your Teeth May Be Shifting – And What To Do About It
Are you noticing that your teeth are not as straight and aligned as they used to be? Unfortunately, it’s quite common for adults to experience their teeth shifting. In fact, according to recent research, up to 70% of adult patients will experience some degree of tooth movement or misalignment over time. This article explores the […]
Flossing With Invisalign: An Essential Guide For A Bright Smile
Are you considering Invisalign as your orthodontic treatment of choice? Invisalign is the perfect solution for people who want a straighter smile without having to deal with traditional braces. Not only are Invisalign aligners clear and virtually invisible, but they are also removable so that you can floss and brush like normal. Flossing with Invisalign […]
Can Invisalign Fix My Overbite?
Invisalign is a revolutionary orthodontic treatment that uses clear aligners to adjust teeth gradually into their desired positions. Invisalign can be used to treat many dental issues, including overbites. This article will discuss an overbite and how Invisalign can help fix it. What Is An Overbite? An overbite occurs when your upper front teeth overlap […]
Permanent or Removable Retainers: Which is right for you?
When the time comes for to remove your braces, it is very exciting. Unfortunately, it can be somewhat confusing, too, because you are faced with choosing between two kinds of retainers. Should you go with permanent, removable, or a combination of the two? It is always wise to follow Modern Dental Smiles of Boynton Beach […]